Friday, January 17, 2020

Start of the Final Task

Today I will begin my final project in AICE media. Just a reminder, I am Sean and I go to Fort Lauderdale High. I am a sophomore. Me and my group will develop the first two minutes of a film with a genre of our choice. For my group, I am once again teaming up with my sister and planning on asking friends to help out with filming. So far this year we have made a music video and a commercial. The commercial and the music video will most likely be considerably easier than the first two minutes of a film. For a music video or commercial, no talking is required. Meanwhile, the film will contain some sort of dialogue. This means, acting must be on point and no mistakes can be made or that may mess up the whole shot.
Most likely, my sister will be the main editor, I will be the main actor and our friends can play extras.
For our film, we have three main pitches. All three are crime dramas. We chose crime/ drama as our main genre because it would be the easiest and most cost efficient to work with. The final product also wouldn't look like it was too cheap either. So, the three dividing factors were cost, quality, and practicality.
Our first pitch: After attempting to make money for his sick mother he accidentally kills a gang member and is facing the consequences.
Our second pitch: A group of teens desperately in need of money plan for the biggest heist of the life... a bank?
Our third pitch: A kidnap victim attempts to break away from their captor before it is to late. Will they get out in time
All of these to us seemed easy to produce. Another upside of these pitches is that they are all cost efficient.

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Vacant CCR

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