Friday, January 17, 2020

Our Pitch

My group and I so far have came up with three pitches:
1. After attempting to make money for his sick mother he accidentally kills a gang member and is facing the consequences.
2. A group of teens desperately in need of money plan for the biggest heist of the life... a bank?
3. A kidnap victim attempts to break away from their captor before it is to late. Will they get out in time?
We want to first narrow down these 3 down to two. In order for us to do this we have cam up with some criteria we would like our pitch to fit. Some criteria we have decided on is:
Can the plot be developed?
Is it accomplish-able?
Will the first two minutes be interesting?
Based on these we have determined that option 2 would not be a good choice. (A group of teens desperately in need of money plan for the biggest heist of the life... a bank?) It simply will not be accomplish-able with our budget and skills. We will not be able to film in a bank. I also believe it will be very difficult to not just make the first two minutes backstory and actually something interesting/ leaving watchers wanting more.

Our first option is, after attempting to make money for his sick mother he accidentally kills a gang member and is facing the consequences. I would like to start off with why I think this plot is a good idea. There is a lot of ways we can put interesting camera angles and editing effects. We also can attempt to make the viewers empathize with the main character's situation and have viewers wanting to find out what happens to him. I also believe the first two minutes can fit a lot while still being interesting. This plot does not need a ton of back story and will leave room for actual plot. The only things we have to establish in the first two minutes for the video to make sense is to inform viewers the main character killed a gang members and that he did what he did was to save his mother. Some negative sides to this plot is we would have to work around showing any cop cars because we can neither use stock footage nor have the ability to film actual cop cars.

Our second option is, a kidnap victim attempts to break away from their captor before it is to late. Will she get out in time? This plot would have such cool shots for a kidnapping scene. It also would not require a huge amount of backstory. We could use POV shots that would look really cool but, this one has quite a few flaws. First off, it is one of the six common openings. It could easily accidentally become a short story. It also would be very difficult to make the video interesting for two minutes. We don't want to see someone tied up for a whole minute but, if we had it any shorter it would make the actual kidnapping seem to quick.

While the second option about kidnapping can happen. I believe it just would not be the better option in relation to this project. Our pitch is our first option: After attempting to make money for his sick mother he accidentally kills a gang member and is facing the consequences.

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